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Body Conscious

Waxing Treatments

Eyebrowshaping $10.00

NoseWax (Inner) $10.00

Lip Wax $5.00

Lip(Lower) Wax $5.00

Sideburns $12.00

Cheeks(Face) $10.00

WaxingChin $10.00

Ears Inner and outer ear $12.00

Neck(front) Wax $10.00

Neck (back)Wax $15.00

Full-FaceWax w/o Calming mask

hairline, eyebrows, sideburns, cheek, nose inner, upper liplower, lip chin, and front of neck $50.00

WaxingFull Face With calming mask

Hairline, eyebrows, sideburns cheek nose inner, upper lip, lowerlip, chin and front of neck included $65.00

WaxingUnderarm $15.00

Chest(Full) Male & Female Includes nipples $25.00

Chest(Strip) Male & Female $15.00

StomachFull $25.00

StomachStrip $10.00

WaxingBrazilian Female All hair completely removed optional landing strip Includes buttstrip $55.00


Brazilian Wax Packages

WaxingFull Butt Female Includes butt strip $25.00

WaxingBrazilian Male Includes butt strip. $80.00 **Full butt is extra

WaxingFull Butt Male Includes butt strip $30.00

WaxingBack Full Male $50.00

Shoulders $20.00

Legs(upper) Includes knees $30.00

Legs(Lower) Includes knees feet and toes $30.00

Legs(full) Includes knees feet and toes $60.00

Feet/toesWax $10.00

Arm Wax(Full) Including lower arms, hands, fingers and elbows $45.00 ArmsWax (lower) Includes fingers hands and elbows $30.00

Hands Including fingers $10.00


**All Waxing Treatments Perform With Blue Hard Wax.

Waxing Consultation/Treatments: Services
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